5 Chinese Learning Activities for Kids During Summer Holidays

5 Chinese Learning Activities for Kids During Summer Holidays #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #funChinese #SummerChinese #activeChinese

Summer holidays provide a wonderful opportunity for parents to engage their kids in fun and educational activities. If you are looking to introduce your children to the beauty of the Chinese language or enhance their existing language skills, incorporating Chinese learning activities into their summer routine is an excellent idea. These activities will not only help your kids learn Chinese but also make their vacation memorable and enjoyable. Here are five exciting Chinese learning activities you can do with your kids during the summer holidays:

1. Color by Number (按数字填色)

Color by Number  is a popular activity that combines creativity and language learning. Create Chinese Color by Number worksheets featuring Chinese characters or numbers, and have your kids color the spaces according to the corresponding colors or characters. This activity will not only improve their understanding of Chinese characters but also help them recognize different colors and their names in Chinese.

2. 3-part Summer Flashcards (三部分暑假词卡)

A set of summer-themed Chinese flashcards  are great for kids to learn about summer activities, objects, and places. Each flashcard should consist of three parts: the Chinese character or word, a relevant picture representing the word, and its English translation. Use images of summer fruits, outdoor sports, beach scenes, and other summery visuals. Encourage your kids to practice reading, listening, and speaking the Chinese words while using these flashcards.

3. Color and Learn Mini Book (涂色学习迷你书)

Create a small Chinese vocabulary language learning book  with engaging illustrations and simple Chinese words related to summer activities. Your kids can color the pictures and read the words aloud, helping them practice pronunciation and improve their vocabulary.

4. Scavenger Hunt (寻宝游戏)

Organize a Chinese-themed scavenger hunt  in your backyard or a local park. Hide small cards with Chinese words representing items that your kids need to find. These items could be related to summer, such as a sun, a beach ball, a sandcastle, or a bucket. When your kids find an item, encourage them to say its Chinese name out loud. This interactive activity will make learning Chinese exciting and memorable.

5. Origami (折纸)

Origami is an ancient art form that originated in China and can be an enjoyable way to introduce Chinese culture while learning new vocabulary. Choose simple origami designs like a paper fan (扇子 – Shànzi), a boat (小船 – Xiǎo chuán), or a flower (花 – Huā). While folding the paper, teach your kids the names of the various steps and the vocabulary associated with the finished design. They will have fun creating beautiful origami pieces while learning Chinese words and phrases. For example,

Incorporating these five Chinese learning activities into your kids’ summer holiday schedule will not only keep them engaged and entertained but also foster an appreciation for the Chinese language and culture. Learning Chinese can be a rewarding experience for children, and these fun-filled activities will ensure they have a fantastic time while acquiring new language skills.

#activeChinese learning Summer

If you want to have a taste of how these 5 activities engage your child learn Chinese during summer break with fun, get on our #activeChinese learning Summer experience. Once you sign up, you’ll receive these 5 activities in your inbox within a range of 5 days – yes, one activity per day.

So, seize the opportunity and embark on a summer of Chinese language exploration with your kids!

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5 Chinese Learning Activities for Kids During Summer Holidays #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #funChinese #SummerChinese #activeChinese

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