365 Days of Chinese Learning

365 days Chinese learning #Chinese4kids #Chineselearning #chineseplanner #plan2021 #2021 #Chineselearningcalendar

It’s hard to believe the year 2020 is almost over. As the new year is quickly approaching, I bet we all start to anticipate a good start and wish that the new year is going to be a year of health, growth, joy, and success. And, surely, a year of progress in Chinese learning. 

Establishing a Chinese Learning Habit is Important

Have you observed dripping water? Day after day, the little drops of water can eventually penetrate the stone. Just like the Chinese proverb, 滴水穿石,suggests constant perseverance yields success. 

This shows the importance of a habit. Once we do things on an autopilot, without thinking about it. As time goes by, the persistence effort would bring a leap in terms of understanding and mastery. 

This happens to all the learning, especially Chinese learning. 

If we could get into the habit of learning a bit Chinese every day, it will become easier to start learning and to make progress. 

But how to make it happen?

Plan and Commit with a Purpose

At the beginning of forming any habit, we need to make a conscious effort. Planning, tracking, and reflecting are the three key steps in the whole process. It may require constant self-reminder at the beginning; and as it becomes part of the day activities, it will become automatic in the end. 

What makes a good planner? 

A good Chinese learning planner should feature a daily schedule, priorities, notes, and field to track habits. 

Here is one example, 

365 Days of Chinese Learning 

A planner helps to schedule in time for Chinese learning and ensure its happening by noting it down and track it. 

Another powerful way of establishing Chinese learning habits is to do it every day. For example, take a look at a Chinese expression in the morning and another look in the evening. Casual learning does not take much time but helps to establish a routine. 

Imagine spending 5 minutes learning a Chinese expression every day,  that would make 365 expressions at the end of the year, without much effort. Fresh learning means more willingness to use it. And experiences tell us that the more we use the language, the better we remember to use it; the better we remember to use it, the more fluent we become. 

365 Days Chinese Learning Calendar Journal

As it says in the description, “A full year of Chinese language for commonly used expressions. This calendar journal features daily Chinese expression as well as its pronunciation and English translation. It belongs to students, teachers, readers, and Chinese language lovers. Learn useful Chinese expressions day by day with this calendar and note down any points on the journaling page. With new Chinese expression to learn every day, you’ll find your knowledge of Mandarin Chinese grow throughout the year.”

This calendar journal features one page of weekly Chinese expressions and a blank page side to side. This blank space is perfect to note down any thoughts, learning points, or just copy the expressions. 

What’s more, this journal provides access to the audio files that serve a great tool to help pronounce the expressions and memorize them.


Learn Chinese day to day for 365 days

Let’s make 2021 a great year of Chinese learning!

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