Mastering Chinese Measure Words for Clothing: From Shirts to Scarves and Everything in Between

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When it comes to learning Chinese, one of the challenges many learners face is understanding the measure words used for different nouns. Chinese measure words are similar to English classifiers, but they are much more prevalent in Chinese, and every noun requires a specific measure word to quantify it. Following our previous article on measure words for animals, here we will explore the measure words used for clothing in Chinese.

件 jiàn

件 is the most common measure word for clothing in Chinese. It is used for most types of clothes, including shirts, blouses, sweaters, and jackets. For example:

一件衬衫 (yī jiàn chèn shān) – one shirt
两件毛衣 (liǎng jiàn máo yī) – two sweaters
三件外套 (sān jiàn wài tào) – three jackets
四件T恤衫(sì jiàn T xùshān) – four T-shirts

条 tiáo

条 is another common measure word for clothing, but it is typically used for long, narrow items such as pants, skirts, and ties. For example:

一条裙子 (yī tiáo qún zi) – one skirt
两条裤子 (liǎng tiáo kù zi) – two pairs of pants
一条领带 (yī tiáo lǐng dài) – one tie
五条围巾(wǔtiáo wéijīn)- five scarves
一条皮带 (yītiáo pídài) – a belt

双 shuāng

双 is used specifically for pairs of things, including shoes, gloves, and socks. For example:

一双鞋子 (yī shuāng xié zi) – one pair of shoes
两双手套 (liǎng shuāng shǒu tào) – two pairs of gloves
三双袜子 (sān shuāng wà zi) – three pairs of socks

顶 dǐng

顶 is used for hats, caps, and other headwear. For example:

一顶帽子 (yī dǐng mào zi) – one hat
两顶帽子 (liǎng dǐng mào zi) – two hats

套 tào

套 is often used for sets of clothing or outfits, and it implies a combination of multiple pieces of clothing that belong together as a set. Here are some examples:

一套西装 (yī tào xī zhuāng) – one suit (jacket and pants)
两套运动服 (liǎng tào yùn dòng fú) – two sets of sportswear (such as a tracksuit or workout outfit)
三套女装 (sān tào nǚ zhuāng) – three sets of women’s clothing (such as a dress with matching accessories)

So, if you’re referring to a complete set of clothing, you would use 套 (tào) as the measure word.

副 fù 

副 is another measure word that can be used for certain types of clothing accessories in Chinese, such as gloves and glasses. It implies a pair of items that come in a set. Here are some examples:

一副手套 (yī fù shǒu tào) – one pair of gloves

两副眼镜 (liǎng fù yǎn jìng) – two pairs of glasses

So, if you’re referring to a pair of accessories that come in a set, you would use 副 (fù) as the measure word.

条 vs 件

条 and 件 can both be used for some types of clothing, such as skirts and traditional Chinese clothing. However, there is a subtle difference in usage.

条 (tiáo) is used for long and narrow items, such as pants, skirts, and ties, as well as for scarves. It implies a shape that is elongated and narrow.

件 (jiàn) is more general and can be used for most types of clothing, including shirts, blouses, sweaters, and jackets, as well as for some traditional Chinese clothing. It doesn’t imply any particular shape or form.

So, if you’re referring to a piece of clothing that is long and narrow, you would use 条 (tiáo), but if you’re referring to a piece of clothing that doesn’t have a specific shape or form, you would use 件 (jiàn).

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In conclusion, mastering the measure words used for clothing in Chinese can be challenging for some Chinese learners, but it is an essential aspect of the language. By understanding and practicing the proper use of these measure words,Chinese learners can improve their communication skills and speak Chinese more fluently.

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