Chinese End of Year Memory Activity

The school year 2017-2018 is nearly to its end. At this time of the year, both teachers and students have lots to do. A major task is to wrap the school year up well: everything a child needs to know should be covered; Another big task is to reflect, celebrate and plan for the next year. A Chinese end of year memory book can help get the moments together and practice Chinese a child has learned along the way.


After one year of Chinese learning, it is surely the time to look back and highlight some invaluable moments. It is time to put some of the moments onto to paper so to form a memory that lasts.

This is the reason we created this My Chinese End of Year Memory Book.


In this little fun book, kids can recall the following:

  •  这是我 This is Me
  • 我最喜欢的 My Favorite
  • 老师 My Teacher
  • 朋友 My Friends
  • 我学会了 I’ve Learned
  • 签字 Autograph
  • 其它 Other

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My Chinese End of Year Memory Book Aren't there many things a child remembers from one year of Chinese learning? This end of year memory book has activities to get the learning experience memorable Chinese for kids|Chinese learning activities | Chinese learning printable #Chinese4kids #Chineselearning #Chineselearningmaterials


My Chinese End of Year Activity book is available in our eBook collection.

Click the image below to purchase it.

My Chinese End of Year Memory Book - Put the moments together in this fun end of year activity book in Chinese. Chinese for kids| Fun Chinese activity |End of year #Chinese4kids #Chinesefunactivity #Endofyear

Resources Mentioned above:
My Chinese End of Year Memory Activity Book

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