5 Fruits You Need to Prepare for Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

5 lucky fruit for mid autumn #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #Chinesevocabulary #fruit #mid-autumnfestival #Chinesefestival

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a cherished holiday in Chinese culture. Celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, it’s a time for families to come together, admire the full moon, and enjoy delicious foods. (For more activities people celebrate this special day, read here. Among the many delectable treats associated with this festival, fruits hold a special place. In this article, we will explore five fruits that people commonly enjoy during the Mid-Autumn Festival and the reasons behind their popularity.

1. 石榴 (Pomegranate):

Pomegranate- one of the 5 lucky fruits for Mid-Autumn Festival #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #Chinesevocabulary #fruit #mid-autumnfestival #Chinesefestival

source: Chinese Vocabulary Learning Flashcards Hive

Pomegranates are a symbol of fertility, abundance, and unity in Chinese culture. Their vibrant red color represents good fortune and happiness. Many believe that eating pomegranates during the Mid-Autumn Festival will bring prosperity and harmony to their families. The sweet and tangy seeds are not only a delight to the taste buds but also a beautiful addition to the festive table.

2. 柿子 (Persimmon):

Persimmon - one of the 5 lucky fruits for Mid-Autumn Festival #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #Chinesevocabulary #fruit #mid-autumnfestival #Chinesefestival

source: Chinese Vocabulary Learning Flashcards Hive

The bright orange persimmon, known as “柿” in Chinese, shares a similar pronunciation with the word for “prosperity” (事). As a result, this fruit is considered a harbinger of good luck and success. Its sweet and slightly spicy flavor adds a refreshing twist to the array of traditional Mid-Autumn treats. People believe that enjoying persimmons with family and friends can bring a year filled with opportunities and accomplishments.

3. 苹果 (Apple):

apple - one of the 5 lucky fruits for Mid-Autumn Festival #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #Chinesevocabulary #fruit #mid-autumnfestival #Chinesefestival

source: Chinese Vocabulary Learning Flashcards Hive

Apples are a global favorite, and they make their way onto Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival tables for their auspicious symbolism. The word “苹果” sounds like “平和果,” which means “peaceful fruit.” Sharing apples during this festival signifies the wish for a peaceful and harmonious life. Apple slices are often served alongside mooncakes and tea, providing a crisp and juicy contrast to the sweet mooncake fillings.

4. 香蕉 (Banana):

Banana - one of the 5 lucky fruits for Mid-Autumn Festival #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #Chinesevocabulary #fruit #mid-autumnfestival #Chinesefestival

source: Chinese Vocabulary Learning Flashcards Hive

Bananas, with their yellow hue and curved shape, are associated with happiness and prosperity in Chinese culture. The word “香蕉” sounds similar to “平稳” (peaceful and stable). Offering bananas to loved ones is a gesture of wishing them a smooth and trouble-free journey through life. These tropical fruits are not only a nutritious choice but also a delightful addition to the Mid-Autumn Festival feast.

5. 猕猴桃 (Kiwi):

kiwi - one of the 5 lucky fruits for Mid-Autumn Festival #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #Chinesevocabulary #fruit #mid-autumnfestival #Chinesefestival

source: Chinese Vocabulary Learning Flashcards Hive

Kiwi, known as “猕猴桃” in Chinese, is a relatively recent addition to the Mid-Autumn Festival spread. Its vibrant green color and small black seeds resemble the appearance of the full moon. Kiwi’s tart and sweet flavor pairs well with other fruits and mooncakes. Including kiwis in the celebration is a way to symbolize completeness and togetherness during the festival.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, let us embrace the joy of gathering with loved ones, admiring the full moon, and savoring these delightful fruits that carry heartfelt wishes for a prosperous and harmonious life. Whether you choose pomegranates, persimmons, apples, bananas, or kiwis, may your celebration be filled with happiness, and may the moonlight bring you warmth and peace. Wishing you and your family a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋节快乐!

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