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Bike, Bus, Car… Transports in Chinese

Bus, airplane, ship, bike... all the useful transports in Chinese. #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #transport #transportationmeans

How do you go to school? On foot, by car, by bike, or by bus? 你怎么去学校?步行,坐小汽车,自行车,还是公共汽车?Bus, car, bike, ship, airplane and more… we use different means of transportation every day.

Common means of transportation are relevant, easy, and interesting for young learners. Here is a list of the common transports in Chinese.

Transports in Chinese Vocabulary

Car 小汽车 Xiǎo qìchē
Bus 公共汽车 Gōnggòng qìchē
Train 火车 Huǒchē
Boat 小船 Xiǎochuán
Ship 轮船 Lúnchuán
Bike 自行车 Zìxíngchē
Taxi 出租车 Chūzū chē
Jeep 吉普车 Jípǔchē
Van 小货车 Xiǎo huòchē
plane/airplane 飞机 Fēijī
subway / underground 地铁 Dìtiě
Motor cycle 摩托车 Mótuō chē
Truck 卡车 Kǎchē
Ambulance 救护车 Jiùhù chē
Hot-air balloon 热气球 Rè qìqiú
Tractor 拖拉机Tuōlājī
Scooter 滑板车Huábǎn chē
Helicopter 直升飞机Zhí shēng fēijī
Fire engine 救护车Jiùhù chē
Mini bus 迷你巴士Mínǐ bāshì

Let’s make some sentences with these words:

Wǒ měitiān qí zìxíngchē qù xuéxiào.
I go to school by bike every day.

Nǐ xǐhuān zuò fēijī ma?
Do you like traveling by airplane?

Nǐmen dǎsuàn zěnme qù luómǎ, zuò huǒchē, kāichē, háishì zuò fēijī?
How do you plan to go to Rome, by train, by car or by airplane?

You can also purchase the Mode of Transport Theme Chinese Learning Pack at our eBook store

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Bus, airplane, ship, bike... all the useful transports in Chinese. #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #transport #transportationmeans

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