How to Learn Chinese Numbers Using Count and Trace Flashcards

Flashcards are powerful to help kids learn numbers in Chinese. They'll learn how to count, read, and write Chinese numbers with Chinese Number Count and Trace Flashcards #Chineseflashcards #Chinese4kids #Chineseforkids #learnChinese #Chinesenumbers #flashcards #Chinesehomeschooling

As the basic part of the Chinese language, numbers are very important for students to learn.

Chinese Numbers Are Important

It’s also true that numbers in Chinese are quite easy. When 1-10 is masters, it is easy to learn 11-99. And from there, kids can learn many things. They can use the knowledge to count higher, do simple math, learn year, month, and date, tell time and money, and much more.

Chinese Numbers 1-100 Count and Trace Flashcards

Flashcards Help Kids Learn Chinese Numbers Easily

When teaching kids numbers, flashcards are always helpful. Flashcards with images are even more helpful for young kids. When the objects on the flashcards correspond to the number, it helps establish the relationship between quantity and the concept of numbers. The image also provides a counting opportunity for kids.


As it shows in the image above, the number is clearly listed above the Chinese characters. Next to them are the actual images of the objects that correspond to the number. Underneath is the detailed instruction of Chinese number character stroke order which serves as the guide for kids to follow when practicing writing. The MiziGe with the Chinese characters is for kids to trace the Chinese number characters.

How to Use Flashcards to Teach Kids Chinese Numbers

First, help kids understand the concept of numbers – representing the number of objects. Different forms of written formats are used to represent the same number: Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) and Chinese numbers (一,二,三, etc.) While Arabic numerals are universal, Chinese numbers exist more in the Chinese written language. For younger children, as they’ve never been exposed to either form, it’s necessary to help them understand and learn these two different forms.

Secondly, teach the kids how to write Chinese numbers. As part of basic Chinese, number characters are very easy to learn. The tracing boxes in the flashcards give kids enough space to trace over the characters. And the stroke order chart above serves as a guide for kids to follow.


Chinese Numbers 1-100 Count and Trace Flashcards

One flashcard features all the necessary information for the mastery of the number.  number, Chinese characters, objects, character writing guide with stoke order instruction, and writing practice mizige. In such a way, a simple flashcard provides various teaching points – observing, counting, writing, recalling, reviewing, etc. so that kids can truly master Chinese numbers.

Chinese Numbers 1-100 Count and Trace Flashcards

If you wonder where to get this set of Chinese numbers counting and tracing flashcards, they are available in our eBook store or our Etsy store. I suggest laminating the cards and ask kids to practice writing with a watercolor marker so that it is easy to erase and rewrite.

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Flashcards are powerful to help kids learn numbers in Chinese. They'll learn how to count, read, and write Chinese numbers with Chinese Number Count and Trace Flashcards #Chineseflashcards #Chinese4kids #Chineseforkids #learnChinese #Chinesenumbers #flashcards #Chinesehomeschooling

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