End of Year Chinese Learning Activities – Make It Meaningful and Fun

Use different Chinese learning activities to make the end of school year time special, fun and unforgettable. #Chiense4kids #mandarinChinese #endofyear #Chineselearning #learnChinese #Chineseclassroom #funChinese #Chineseasanadditionallanguage

The last couple of weeks in a school year always pass by quickly. How to best make use of the time and end the school year strong? Here are some end of year Chinese learning activities to help kids review and reflect the year , to cherish their accomplishments and then celebrate it. 

Review the Key Chinese Learning Throughout the Year

At the end of the school year, it’s not a good time to learn new things; but it is definitely a great time to review what has been covered throughout the whole school year. 

Things we can review include the following:

  • Units of Chinese learning 
  • Key learning points
  • Important vocabulary and sentences
  • Projects kids have completed 
  • Events kids have done such as field trips, parties etc.
  • Past quizzes, worksheets and common mistakes 


Reflection helps kids look back, recognize their achievements and areas to improve. End of year is a good time to help him self reflect how the year went. 

They can recognize the important people, moments and accomplishments.

They can talk about what they’ve learned from the projects, events or some significant moments.

In addition, they can compare their standing now to the beginning of the school year and therefore identify their personal growth and the milestone along the way. 

For younger kids, a memory book is a great way for the kids to capture the most important people in their lives in the past year (eg. teacher and friends), what they loved and so on. Below is one example, 


* from My Chinese End of Year Memory Activity Book

For older kids, they can give a thorough reflection after some thoughts. Often though they need some prompts to get their thinking going. Once they have a direction, they , and talk about their learnings and even write a paragraph. Questions like the ones in the question task cards can be great as prompts. 


* Read more End of Year Chinese Learning Reflection Questions and Task Cards


Little wins, big wins, our kids need celebrations.  Celebrations are an important part of end of year Chinese learning activities. 

Celebrations can be certificates and prizes; or a party with food and confetti; or a casual class gathering with some fun activities such as a scavenger hunt game.


Make the end of year time full of fun! Let the kids feel proud of their achievement this year and look forward to the next school year!

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Use different Chinese learning activities to make the end of school year time special, fun and unforgettable. #Chiense4kids #mandarinChinese #endofyear #Chineselearning #learnChinese #Chineseclassroom #funChinese #Chineseasanadditionallanguage


Resources Mentioned:
End of Year Chinese Learning Reflection Questions and Task Cards
My Chinese End of Year Memory Activity Book

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