Expressing Pain in Chinese: A Fun and Easy Guide

Quickly learn how to express pain in Chinese by combining body parts with the character 疼. Our guide simplifies the process, making it easy for you to remember and use these phrases in everyday conversations. Ideal for those who want to improve their Chinese language skills. Chinese pain expressions learning Chinese fast Chinese vocabulary Chinese body parts easy Chinese tips

Feeling a little under the weather or just need to explain where it hurts? Fear not! Expressing pain in Chinese is actually quite easy: you just need to add the magical word “疼” (téng) after the names of body parts that hurt.

How to Express Pain in Chinese

Here is the structure:

Body parts + “疼” (téng) 

Let’s first have a look at the Chinese names for different body parts.

Ready to impress and navigate those “ouch” moments like a pro? Let’s dive in!

Head (头, tóu) – 头疼 (tóu téng)

Got a headache? Just say, “我头疼” (wǒ tóu téng).
zuó tiān wǒ gōng zuò dào hěn wǎn, xiàn zài wǒ tóu téng.
I worked late last night, now I have a headache.

Eyes (眼睛, yǎn jīng) – 眼睛疼 (yǎn jīng téng)

Feeling the strain? “我眼睛疼” (wǒ yǎn jīng téng) will get your message across.
kàn diàn nǎo tài jiǔ le, wǒ yǎn jīng téng.
I’ve been looking at the computer for too long, my eyes hurt.

Nose (鼻子, bí zi) – 鼻子疼 (bí zi téng)

Got a stuffy nose? “我鼻子疼” (wǒ bí zi téng) is what you need.
wǒ gǎn mào le, bí zi téng.
I caught a cold, and my nose hurts.

Neck (脖子, bó zi) – 脖子疼 (bó zi téng)

Slept wrong? “我脖子疼” (wǒ bó zi téng) will explain your discomfort.
zuó wǎn shuì de bù hǎo, jīn tiān bó zi téng.
I didn’t sleep well last night, and my neck hurts today.

Shoulders (肩膀, jiān bǎng) – 肩膀疼 (jiān bǎng téng)

Heavy lifting? Just say, “我肩膀疼” (wǒ jiān bǎng téng).
bān jiā hòu, wǒ de jiān bǎng téng.
After moving houses, my shoulders hurt.

Upper Back (背, shàng bèi) – 背疼 (bèi téng)

Too much slouching? “我背疼” (wǒ bèi téng) sums it up.
yī zhěng tiān zuò zhe gōng zuò, wǒ bèi téng.
After a whole day sitting, my upper back hurts.

Lower Back (腰, yāo) – 腰疼 (yāo téng)

Carrying too much weight? “我腰疼” (wǒ yāo téng) does the trick.
jǔ zhòng hòu, wǒ xià bèi téng.
After lifting weights, my lower back hurts.

Butt (屁股, pì gu) – 屁股疼 (pì gu téng)

Sat too long? “我屁股疼” (wǒ pì gu téng) is what you need.
cháng shí jiān zuò zhe kāi chē, wǒ pì gu téng.
After sitting and driving for a long time, my butt hurts.

Chest (胸, xiōng) – 胸疼 (xiōng téng)

Feeling tightness? “我胸疼” (wǒ xiōng téng) explains it all.
yùn dòng guò dù hòu, wǒ xiōng téng.
After overexercising, my chest hurts.

Stomach (肚子, dù zi) – 肚子疼 (dù zi téng)

Ate something bad? “我肚子疼” (wǒ dù zi téng) will convey your discomfort.
chī le bù xīn xiān de shí wù, wǒ dù zi téng.
After eating some bad food, my stomach hurts.

Finger (手指, shǒu zhǐ) – 手指疼 (shǒu zhǐ téng)

Slammed your finger? “我手指疼” (wǒ shǒu zhǐ téng) will let people know.
jiā dào mén, wǒ shǒu zhǐ téng.
I slammed my finger in the door, and it hurts.

Hand (手, shǒu) – 手疼 (shǒu téng)

Too much typing? “我手疼” (wǒ shǒu téng) describes it perfectly.
xiě zuò tài duō, wǒ shǒu téng.
After writing too much, my hand hurts.

Palm (手掌, shǒu zhǎng) – 手掌疼 (shǒu zhǎng téng)

Clapped too hard? “我手掌疼” (wǒ shǒu zhǎng téng) says it all.
gǔ zhǎng tài yòng lì, wǒ shǒu zhǎng téng.
Clapped too hard, and now my palm hurts.

Wrist (手腕, shǒu wàn) – 手腕疼 (shǒu wàn téng)

Sprained your wrist? “我手腕疼” (wǒ shǒu wàn téng) will do.
dǎ lán qiú shí niǔ shāng le shǒu wàn, wǒ shǒu wàn téng.
I sprained my wrist while playing basketball, and it hurts.

Arm (胳膊, gē bo) – 胳膊疼 (gē bo téng)

Lifted too many weights? “我胳膊疼” (wǒ gē bo téng) covers it.
duàn liàn guò dù, wǒ gē bo téng.
After overexercising, my arms hurt.

Legs (腿, tuǐ) – 腿疼 (tuǐ téng)

Ran too far? “我腿疼” (wǒ tuǐ téng) is what you need.
pǎo bù tài jiǔ, wǒ tuǐ téng.
After running for too long, my legs hurt.

Ankle (脚踝, jiǎo huái) – 脚踝疼 (jiǎo huái téng)

Twisted your ankle? “我脚踝疼” (wǒ jiǎo huái téng) will get the point across.
dǎ pái qiú shí niǔ dào jiǎo huái, wǒ jiǎo huái téng.
I twisted my ankle while playing volleyball, and it hurts.

Learn Body Pain Chinese Vocabulary with Montessori Flashcards

Body Pain Chinese Vocabulary Montessori Flashcards

Now you’re equipped with the essential vocabulary to express where it hurts in Chinese! Next time you’re feeling under the weather or just need to let someone know what’s bothering you, these phrases will come in handy. So go ahead, use them with confidence and make sure your Chinese pain expressions are as sharp as ever!

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Quickly learn how to express pain in Chinese by combining body parts with the character 疼. Our guide simplifies the process, making it easy for you to remember and use these phrases in everyday conversations. Ideal for those who want to improve their Chinese language skills. Chinese pain expressions learning Chinese fast Chinese vocabulary Chinese body parts easy Chinese tips

Related Resources:

Eyes, Hand, and Foot.. How to Say Body Parts in Chinese

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