Talking About the Weather in Chinese with Kids

Talk about weather vocabulary in Chinese. #Chinese4kids #learnChinese #mandarinChinese #Chinesevocabulary

We talk about the weather all the time. How to get our kids to talk about it in Chinese? Here are some Chinese vocabulary and sentence structures we can teach them. 

The most common questions we use when asking about the weather are

  • 天气怎么样?How is the weather?
  • 今天天气怎么样? How is the weather today?

For this question, we can come up with two types of answers:

Answers Based on the Condition

These answers basically describe the weather condition, such as 晴天 (sunny day), 阴天(cloudy day), 雨天 (rainy day), 雪天 (snowy day), 雾天 (foggy day), 刮风天(windy day).

For example, 

We always go out jogging on sunny days. 

It’s a cloudy day today. There is no sunshine. 

It’s again a rainy day, I want to stay at home and read. 

Look, it’s snowing outside. I like snowy days!

It’s foggy today, be careful when biking. 

Weather Chinese Vocabulary flashcards for kids - 3-part flashcards #Chinese4kids #leaarnChinese #flashcards

Here are some weather Chinese Montessori 3-part flashcards that are useful for kids to learn that vocabulary. 

Answers Based on Temperature


We can describe it by using words such as 热 (hot), 冷(cold), 温暖 (warm), and 凉爽(cool). 

In detail, 

refers to hot weather, especially in summer. The temperature is too high to feel comfortable.

refers to cold weather, especially in winter. The temperature is low that we need to put on several layers of clothes.

温暖 refers to warm weather. The temperature is between cold and hot, quite comfortable. Typical mid or late spring weather. 

凉爽 refers to cool weather. The temperature is more cold than hot. An extra layer of light clothes is often needed. 

For example, 

It’s hot today, I’ve spent the whole day in the swimming pool.

On warm days, I like going out for a walk. 

It’s a good idea to bring a light jacket on cool evenings.

Take your coat. It’s cold outside. 

Now that we know what to talk about the weather, we can have conversations with our kids often. It’s a good practice not only for the purpose of learning Chinese but also to train the skills of observing and expressing the weather conditions. 

The visual interactive daily calendar is a great tool to initiate and invite kids to talk about the day, from the date, weekday, season, weather, and much more. 

interactive calendar for daily Chinese learning

By the way, I’ve added a whole lesson with all the supplementary materials on weather in our membership portal.

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