Simple Math in Chinese: Learn some math vocabulary in Chinese

Simple math vocabulary in Chinese, learn math terms in Chinese with kids #MandarinChinese #learnChinese #Chinese4kids #Chinesevocabulary

We use numbers nearly everyday. Actually we use simple math everyday. Do you know how to say math in Chinese? How about we learn some math vocabulary together?

Math in Chinese is 数学(shùxué).

Basic Calculation Words in Chinese

基本计算词汇 jīběn jìsuàn cíhuì

+   加 jiā add, plus, addition
–   减 jiǎn subtract, minus, subtraction
✕ 乘 chéng times, multiply, multiplication
➗ 除 chú divide, division
= 等于 děngyú equal to

Let’s look at some examples:

3+7=10 三加七等于十 Sān jiā qī děngyú shí
7-4=3 七减四等于三 Qī jiǎn sì děngyú sān
3✕7=21 三乘以七等于二十一 Sān chéng yǐ qī děngyú èrshíyī
21➗7=3 二十一除以七等于三 Èrshíyī chú yǐ qī děngyú sān

Must-know Math Words and Phrases in Chinese

必备中文数学单词和短语 bì bèi zhōngwén shùxué dāncí hé duǎnyǔ

数字 Shùzì Number
If you don’t know the basic Chinese numbers, read article ” Why Is Learning Chinese Numbers Important” or grab the Chinese Number Booklet to find out how easy and useful numbers are in Chinese!

Zhōngwén shùzì hěn jiǎndān.
Numbers in Chinese are quite simple.

奇数 and 偶数 odd and even numbers

奇数 ji shù Odd number

数字3, 5, 7, 9 都是奇数。
Shùzì 3, 5, 7, 9 dōu shì jīshù.
Numbers 3, 5, 7, 9 are all odd numbers.

偶数 ǒu shù even number

数字4, 6, 8, 10 都是偶数。
Shùzì 4, 6, 8, 10 dōu shì ǒushù.
Numbers 4, 6, 8 and 10 are all even numbers.

正数 and 负数 positive and negative numbers

正数 zhèng shù positive number
100 Shìgè zhèng shù.
100 is a positive number.

负数 fùshù negative number
-100 Shìgè fùshù.
-100 is a negative number.

整数, 分数, 小数 and 百分比 whole number, fraction, decimal, and percent

整数 zhěngshù integer
11 Shìgè zhěngshù.
11 is a whole number.

分数 fēnshù fraction
Sì fēn zhī yī Shìgè fēnshù.
¼ is a fraction.

小数 xiǎoshù decimal
Yī diǎn èr shìgè xiǎoshù.
1.2 is a decimal.

百分比 bǎi fēn bǐ percentage
Yībǎi de bǎi fēn zhī shí shì shí.
10% of 100 is 10.

Let’s have a better look at how to say fractions, decimals and percents.

For a fraction, a/b, a is 分子 (Numerator) in Chinese and b is 分母(Denominator). In Chinese, we say a/b as b 分之a.

So, for the example of ¼, we can say “四分之一”.

⅗ is “五分之三” Wǔ fēn zhī sān.

½ is a bit special, we can either say “二分之一” (èr fēn zhī yī)or “一半”(yī bàn).

For a decimal, the point is called “小数点”. Let’s look at several decimals.

0.2 零点二 líng diǎn èr
1.78 一点七八 yī diǎn qībā
13.02 十三点零二 shísān diǎn líng èr
204.35 二百零四点三五 èr bǎi líng sì diǎn sānwǔ

For a percentage, we just need to put “百分之” (bǎi fēn zhī)in front of the number, such as,

12% 百分之十二 bǎi fēn zhī shí’èr
50% 百分之五十 bǎi fēn zhī wǔshí
100% 百分之一百 bǎi fēn zhī yībǎi

大于 and 小于

大于 dàyú is greater than/ is more than
小于 xiǎoyú is less than

100>99 一百大于九十九 yībǎi dàyú jiǔshíjiǔ
98<99 九十八小于九十九 jiǔ shí bā xiǎoyú jiǔ shí jiǔ

Look, we pretty much talked about all the key vocabulary of simple math in Chinese. Isn’t it pretty easy?

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Simple math vocabulary in Chinese, learn math terms in Chinese with kids #MandarinChinese #learnChinese #Chinese4kids #Chinesevocabulary

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