Chinese numbers are fundamental for Chinese learning. To some extent, learning Chinese numbers serves a shortcut to learn many other Chinese topics such as year, month, date, weekdays, time and much more.
However, many times these topics are taught separately at different time in different units. Because the knowledge is not connected, children often get scattered pieces and sometimes feels it hard to master. That’s why you would find this Chinese numbers booklet valuable: it covers all the aspects concerning Chinese numbers which are beyond numbers.
Topics Covered in the Booklet
The following topics are covered in this booklet:
- Chinese ways of showing the numbers
- number 0-10
- numbers 10-100
- ordinal numbers
- months
- weekdays
- date
- time
It is a small booklet which is good for the kids to keep in their folder and use it as a quick reference when they learn Chinese numbers and other relevant topics.

Get the Booklet!
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Resources mentioned in this article and further readings:
Chinese Number Booklet
Simple Math in Chinese: Learn some math vocabulary in Chinese