There are some commonly used English phrases with “keep”, for example, “keep in touch”, “keep trying”, “keep your mouth shut” etc. They are used widely in English, they are also widely used in spoken Chinese. Here I made a list of some of them and their corresponding Chinese meaning. Hope they will help you in your learning.
keep in touch! 保持联系。 bǎo chí lián xì
Keep trying! 继续努力|别放弃。jì xù lǔ lì | bié fàng qì
Keep going! 继续前进。jì xù qián jìn
Keep quiet! 安静!ān jìng
Keep calm! 冷静! lěng jìng
Keep it to yourself! 保密|你自己知道就行了。bǎo mì | nǐ zì jǐ zhī dào jiù hǎo le
Keep up the good work! 好好干! hǎo hao gàn
Keep your chin up! 别灰心|打起精神来 bié huī xīn | dǎ qǐ jīng shén lái
Keep your mouth shut! 别多嘴!bié duō zuǐ