Chinese as Foreign Language KIDS

Reading books

Here are a collection of engaging, fun, printable books that help kids and Chinese students improve their comprehension and fluency in Chinese language. Get the books for you classroom or home by level or join the vault.

Chinese Reading Books

Level aa 启蒙

* 1–3 words per page
* 1 line per page
* 16–24 words total
* One word change per page
* 1–2 high-frequency words per page
* Repetition of high-frequency words
* Mostly picture captions
* 1:1 text-to-picture correspondence
* Familiar topics
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Level A 一级

* 2–6 words per line
* 1 line per page
* 21–40 words total
* Complete sentences
* Repetition of high-frequency words
* Predictable language
* 1:1 text-to-picture correspondence
* Familiar topics
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Level B 二级

* 2–7 words per line
* 1 line per page
* 30-55 words total
* Complete sentences
* Repetition of high-frequency words
* Predictable language
* Consistent text placement
* 1:1 text-to-picture correspondence
* Familiar topics
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Level C 三级

* 2–8 words per sentence
*1–2 lines per page
*50–80 words total
*Complete sentences
Pattern may vary on first and last pages *Predictable language *Dialogue introduced *10 pages
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Click on the button to view the books at the level you would like to read. 

Level aa 启蒙

My Chinese Reading Books Level C 三级

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