Mid Autumn Festival Chinese Vocabulary Learning- Digital Printable


Key Mid Autumn Festival Chinese vocabulary Learning with flash card posters and Chinese writing worksheets as well as a one-page mini book activity for kids to enjoy.

As an important tradition in China, Chinese Mid Autumn Festival is important for kids to learn about. 

What is in the Mid Autumn Festival Chinese Vocabulary Learning ?

There are two parts:

  • Mid Autumn Festival celebration activity flash card posters : these flash cards are in A4 size. They are not only good for flash cards, but also great to hand on the wall as posters.
  • Mid Autumn Festival celebration vocabulary writing/tracing worksheets: use these sheets to practice Chinese word writing.
  • Extra: Mid Autumn Festival One-page Pocket Book for Kids (*Here is how to assemble the book.)

This Printable Is Right For You If You

  • want to help your child to learn about Mid Autumn Festival
  • would like your children/students to practice Chinese character writing
  • need visuals to present Mid Autumn Festival celebration activities
  • prefer to start as soon as possible –  download and use it straightaway TODAY

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Mid Autumn Chinese Learning FlashcardsMid Autumn Festival Chinese Vocabulary Learning- Digital Printable