Season Theme Chinese Learning Word Wall Pack- Digital Printable



This Word Wall pack features the key vocabulary of each season in the format of word walls. They are not only interesting for kids to learn, but also great for displaying the words.

We go through the 4 seasons,  Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, year after year. Each season has its own characteristics and objects that appear only in that season. This Season Theme Chinese Learning Word Wall pack features the key vocabulary of each season in the format of word walls. They are not only interesting for kids to learn, but also great for displaying the words.

What is in Season Theme Chinese Learning Word Wall Pack?

As the title suggests, this is a pack of season theme Chinese vocabulary word walls. The Chinese words and the corresponding images are shown together. The words can be printed out, laminated and hang around in the classroom or at home for a quick reference for children.

There are 4 files in this pack, featuring the 4 seasons:

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Is the Season Theme Chinese learning Learning Word Wall Pack Right for You?

If you want to introduce the season-themed Chinese vocabulary to children in a visual way, this pack is right for you:

– Because this pack features 4 word walls highlighting the characteristics of each of the 4 seasons.
– Because the pack is visually appealing to children and can serve as a visual learning tool. This pack is designed for children. You can also use them as posters or bookmarks (if laminated).
– Because it can be downloaded and used immediately. You can print them out and use them straight away at the beginning of each season!

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Season Theme Chinese Learning Word Wall Pack featuring Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter in Chinese Learn seasons in Chinese #Chinese4kids #LearnChinese #Chinesethemelearning #season #theme #ChineselearningSeason Theme Chinese Learning Word Wall Pack- Digital Printable