Chinese as Foreign Language KIDS

Lesson Plans

Lesson plans as well as all the accompanying teaching materials are listed here. You can either select and purchase the individual lessons, or join our Chinese Teaching Made Easy membership to access them all. 

Greetings, names, follow simple instructions, identify and recognize 3 colors

saying different fruit and talking about likes
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learn the Chinese numbers 1-10 and count in Chinese
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learn shapes and some body parts

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learn different parts of the body
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Saying farm animals and animal noises

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– Review colors – Learn new colors of ⽩⾊,⿊⾊,棕⾊

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Talk about and describe the weather

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– Talk about transportation vehicles – Learn the song “公共汽⻋上的轮⼦”

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Talk about different clothes
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Talk about school supplies and requesting things
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Talk about members of the family
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Talk about ability, asking “你会…?” and answering with “我会…” or “我不会…”

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  • Talk about different vegetables
  • Learn a Chinese children’s poem: ⼩⽩兔

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– Talk about position words 左右前后 – Use action verbs and learn to give directions

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Talk about the months of the year

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More lessons are added regularly

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